Manchester - Ashton Athletics Grounds
Manchester Outer Ring Road : OL7 0ED
Manchester - Ashton Athletics Grounds : Map credit historic maps The Field of September 14th 1889 describes the establishment of an athletics facility in Ashton by a company called the Ashton under Lyne Athletics Society. "A racing track 410 yards in circumference especially laid out for cycling with corners banked up. Permanent stands and other conveniences for spectators were erected, and the new ground, thus set up with all the requisite appurtenances, was formerly opened on Saturday last with an athletic meeting on a decidedly ambitious scale". The new cinder track was described as "rather loose in places" due to its newness. The opening meeting was certainly on a grand scale with an attendance of 10,000 to watch the running, pedestrian (walking races) and four bicycle events. The 5 miles scratch bicycle race was the top attraction which was won by Herbert Synyer, a special lap prize was offered and "thus there was not ‘loafing' as is customary in scratch races."

The ground was used for several years, in 1890 Ashton under Lyne Athletics Society held a sports meeting and the Coventry Machinists' provided "a grand lot of prizes". The 1891 annual athletic festival was organised by the Ashton Recreation Society and the racing was watched by 2,500 people. The Chronicle comments that the "the favourites were placed out of the running by the frivolous freaks on their ‘pneumatics'"

There seem to be no reports of racing on the Athletic Ground after 1900, but in the 1920's Ashton police held their annual sports on the Audenshaw racecourse, which is across the road from the Athletic Ground.

By the 1920's the Athletic Ground was gone, taken over by New Moss colliery. The site is now occupied by an industrial unit.

Refs     : [p]
Maps    : historic maps